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Five Things That Get Better as You Get Older

November 2, 2017 developer Comments

senior livingAs we go through life and experience what it offers, we get wiser. This is one of the advantages of getting older, but there are many things that get better as we age in our independent living facilities.

  • Self-confidence.

When we were younger, we were concerned with the latest trends and with obtaining other people’s approval.  As we get older, we know who we are and trust the choices we make because we are comfortable in our own skin. We do not feel the need to impress anyone. As we age, we accept the body we have without trying to compete with anyone else, choose our personal style and create a life we believe in and enjoy!

  • Relationship with food.

Over the years, we learn how our body reacts to certain foods, what to avoid, and what energizes us and makes us feel our best.  We know the consequences of eating that third slice of pizza, and we know how to choose the foods that nourish our bodies. There is no reason to follow fad diets when we know what our body needs in order to feel and look its best.

  • Senior Discounts.

I must admit that it was a little uncomfortable the first time I claimed a “senior discount” – but only for about a minute! Once I realized how much money I was saving at the movies, on public transportation, at the pharmacy, and on travel, the discomfort disappeared, and the discounts were welcome!

  • Empathy.

The more we live, the more understanding we are about other people’s issues. We are more likely to relate to others around us either because we have been in the same situation ourselves, or one of our loved ones has. As we get older and wiser, we become less judgmental and more forgiving and understanding.

  • Leisure time.

One of the advantages to being older is that we have more leisure time. When we retire, we have time to do the things we enjoy doing, without having to spend hours commuting and working. We can visit with family and friends, take long walks through the neighborhood, or have long talks over endless cups of tea. We can finally tackle that long novel we’ve meant to read (or to write!), learn to play golf, travel, and do what we enjoy. Of course, we also have the option to take it easy and just relax!


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